Thomas Sherry Psychotherapy, Psychosexual Therapy & Couples Therapy
South London, Clapham, SW4

Home. Thom Ireland


How can I help?

I provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space for you to talk and just be yourself.
I am here to help you explore what is troubling you and see how it's impacting your mood, behaviour and general outlook on life. If you are in crisis and need support I am here to listen. Perhaps you are feeling stuck and seeking to explore the barriers to being self-fulfilled. Together we will explore all avenues available to you and seek a fresh perspective. Helping you unlock your potential by shining a light on what is causing you distress.

Free 30 minute consultation available via zoom.If you want to get a feel for how I work and ask any questions.

I work with a diverse range of clients presenting with a complex range of difficulties: The issues I deal with include, but are not limited to:

  • Relationships.
  • Life transitions and changes
  • Health issues
  • Bereavement
  • Trauma.
  • Stress
  • Panic attacks.
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bullying
  • Shame.
  • Low self-esteem
  • Loneliness.
  • Anger
  • Abuse : psychological and physical
  • Addiction.
  • Psychosexual issues

    I have specialised training as an integrative psychosexual therapist/ sex therapist working with individuals and couples who have experienced difficulties with a range of issues that also have a sexual or relationship dimension to them:
    Dealing with communication difficulties, embarrassment, shame, sexuality, sexual concerns, safe sex, sexual self-esteem, body image. Difficulties engaging in or enjoying sex due to low sexual desire, differing sexual desire, women who experience painful sex (dyspareunia) or cannot have penetrative sex (vaginismus ) men who experience erection difficulties (erectile disfunction , repaid ejaculation, delayed ejaculation) See Sex & Relationships, for more information.


    Post Graduate Diploma in Integrative Psychosexual Therapy from The Centre for Psychosexual Health- North London

    BA (Hons) Degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy.


    I come from a background in finance and management, retraining as a psychotherapist in 2002. I currently work in private practice with over 15 years experience working in the voluntary sector, NHS and private practice.

    *I worked as:

    Psychosexual therapist for the NHS Chelsea and Westminster Trust at 56 Dean Street. The largest and most innovative sexual health clinic in the UK and Europe.

    Psychotherapist & Psychosexual Therapist at The Grove Therapy Practice Near Harley St

    Psychotherapist and assessor at London Friend counselling service, a specialised services for people identifying as LGBTQ.

    Co- facilitated groups exploring sex addiction, compulsive behaviour and intimacy with Robert Hudson at the Hudson Centre Central London.

    I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (MBACP).
    A member of College of Sex and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). I work in accordance with their guidelines for ethics and good practice.


    £80-£65 sliding scale for individual therapy depending on your earnings. I charge £100 for couples therapy. I offer some reduced cost sessions to those on low wage or students .
    Please state this in your enquiry .

    I am a recognised and registered psychotherapist to provide counselling/psychotherapy with the following Private Health Insurance Companies:

    Aviva, Cigna and Pru Helth.

    I work from my office in Clapham.
    Old Town Clapham, practice is within easy reach of Clapham Common, Clapham North, Clapham Junction, Wandsworth, Battersea, Streatham, Balham and Brixton areas.
    Psychotherapy south west London Psychotherapy south west London psychotherapy south west london Psychotherapy City of London Psychotherapy City of London Psychotherapy City of London Psychotherapy City of London relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london relationship counselling central london Covid-19 Covid-19 Covid-19 Covid-19 Covid-19 Covid-19 psychotherapist clapham psychotherapist clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Sex therapy Clapham Psychotherapy Clapham Psychotherapy Clapham Psychotherapy Clapham Psychotherapy Clapham






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